Loose Poem (Poema suelto)

Digital version of the poetry book «Poema Suelto.» It is a literary journey through various moments and landscapes of the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Versión digital del libro de poemas “Poema suelto”. Es un recorrido literario por distintos momentos y paisajes de la ciudad de Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Poema suelto

Linguistic Correction (Corrección Idiomática)

Experimental project “Corrección Idiomática”: A journey through the May Day marches in Honduras. Political graffiti is a legendary sign of Tegucigalpa, but someone had to correct its spelling mistakes.

Proyecto experimental “Corrección idiomática”, un recorrido por las marchas del 1 de Mayo en Honduras. El graffiti político es un signo legendario de Tegucigalpa, pero alguien debía corregir sus errores ortográficos.


Project “SIDECHAIN, Rituals of Contemporary Art on the Blockchain”: An experimentation with binary language on ceramics, presented at the Museum for National Identity, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in 2022.

Proyecto de experimentación con lenguaje binario sobre cerámica. “SIDECHAIN, Rituales del arte contemporáneo en la cadena de bloques” que fue presentado en el Museo para la Identidad Nacional, Tegucigalpa, Honduras en 2022.

Horizon of Dogs (Horizonte de Perros)

Inspired by the text of Salvadoran writer Roque Dalton, a political exile in Tegucigalpa who documented his disgust in the poem «TABERNA».

Proyecto experimental “Horizonte de perros”. Se basa en el texto del escritor salvadoreño Roque Dalton, quien fue perseguido político en su país. Pasó una temporada en Tegucigalpa y al parecer ahí fue perseguido por un asco que dejó documentado en el poema «TABERNA».

The revolucionary writer Roque Dalton was pursued in his country, El Salvador, and in any other country. He spent some time in Tegucigalpa, where he was apparently pursued by a disgust that he documented in the poem «TABERNA,» in the line: «Solitude is when one lives in Tegucigalpa.» From his writings related to Honduras, phrases were extracted to paint the city.

The machine that will change the universe

A book-sculpture exploring the concept of machines and the transcendence of the image. (Veinti3 Art Collective, Nicaragua).

Proyecto “La máquina que cambiará el universo” Un libro-escultura sobre el concepto de las máquinas y la trascendencia de la imagen.

The universe is that tiny space that stopped at the very second of its explosion. There we are, with astonishing slowness, watching the ashes of that scream. The machine that will change the universe achieved its purpose; it radically changed it. It could be said that we are, in fact, in the world of the post-machine. The disparate interests of each participant in the Veinti3 Collective led to this universal production, where all arguments are shattered as they are drawn in by the gravity of the dimensional wheel.

Nicaragua's Army

Project “Nicaragua’s Army”: A play on stereotypes of war and armies, conducted in San José, Costa Rica—a country rife with xenophobia toward Nicaraguan refugees.

Proyecto “Nicaragua’s Army” un juego con estereotipos de la guerra, de los ejércitos, en la ciudad de San José, Costa Rica, un país lleno de xenofobia contra las personas que huyen desde Nicaragua.

The northern entry to Costa Rica, from Guanacaste to the capital San José, was a tribute to xenophobia against Nicaraguan migration. Offensive graffiti covered the route and then the city. Nicaragua’s Army was a project born from that experience, playing with stereotypes of war, armies, and the ambiguous messages that shape the destinies of peoples. / Public intervention – Various spaces, Avenida Central, San José – 2005.


Project “Singularidad”: Using Morse code to generate a dialogue with moving mechanisms. This synthetic “monster” is activated by motion sensors, triggering Morse code messages. ETETETETTTT ET ETTT ETTET ETTT ET How many civilizations have made the leap, how many can transfer information packets between dimensions?
(Veinti3 Art Collective) MADC – San José, Costa Rica.

Proyecto “Singularidad” utilizando el código morse para generar un diálogo con mecanismos en movimiento. Se trata de un monstruo sintético, que se activa con sensores de movimiento. Tras el movimiento se activa un lector de código morse. ETETETETTTT ET ETTT ETTET ETTT ET ¿Cuántas civilizaciones han dado el salto, cuántas pueden transferir paquetes de información entre dimensiones?